Home Credit Card Manager is a personal finance program for Windows. It presents a way in which you can add your credit card statements to the application and receive feedback almost immediately. When you start adding statements and transactions, the application will gather that information and draw reports for you. Thus, you will be able to see what you are spending on and keep an electronic record of it. Like most finance tools, Home Credit Card Manager is most effective when you are constant and input all your data into the application. If you do that, the program will be able to create reports for you based on the available data. Those reports can help you see your spending through time and compare your spending with previous years. The application's graphical user interface is rather simple. It has a left pane where your accounts go and on the right go the credit card statements. Whenever you add a statement, it will be listed on the right, and you can start adding transactions to it until you load the following statement. There is a Java version which should be compatible with other operative systems, in case you need to use more than one computer. This software is OK for a plain credit card management software. But it lacks security measure to keep your data private. Also, it assumes that all credit card statements are the same, so it is kind of hard to tell if one would benefit from such a generic application.